Friday 3 February 2012

How to be Chic - Chic Posture

How to be Chic - Chic Posture

Having good posture when standing, walking and sitting is important if you want to become chic.
I have noticed that all of the chic women I meet have good posture, and on enquiring usually find that as a child they attended ballet classes. Ballet is a great way to develope an inner poise or balance, as is Yoga.
Another good way to start improving your posture is as follows:
  • Posture when standing and walking: Stand up straight, pull your shoulders down and back, your stomach in, your chin up and your head held high. It will feel strange at first but after a while it will become second nature.
  • Some women have even gone as far as walking with a pile of heavy books on their head. This does teach you to straighten your body out, and walk slowly and elegantly.
  • Posture when sitting: When sitting at a dinner table it is chic to sit up straight. When sitting on a chair at a desk or an armchair in your living room, again try to sit up straight and instead of crossing your legs at the knee, cross them at the ankle.
Chic posture is not stiff and formal, it is relaxed and easy going. So, once you have achieved a good posture when you are standing, walking or sitting, let yourself relax slightly. You will look and feel a lot more relaxed but still have good posture and be chic.

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